Your darkest hour

The one you don’t want to repeat

Write the dust


I bet I’m not wrong if I say that you’re not always at your best. No one does; even that boy who tries to look like someone 24/7 happy on Instagram, giving the message that he is just one more in the herd. Never trust Instagram. And there is no need to pretend to be something you are not.

Photo by darksouls1 on Pixabay

That sad feeling when you don’t feel to do anything, just lying in bed like tomato or wasting your time binge-watching random Youtube videos (or your favorite platform), something typical indeed.

We all feel that sooner or later, it’s not just you, just if you wanted to ask. To live in harmony with that feeling, you have to keep in mind that you can’t defeat it, just have to accept it in your life. Here are some steps you can take to not fight with it with the inevitable end of a defeat.

Don’t fret

Probably, the most important tip I have for you today. If you do it, it’s like you gave your power to the situation, and that situation is not as important. I swear.

You have to take into account this because living with fear, endless shame for countless years, and worrying about a situation you can’t control means that you are still immature. If you don’t feel it like something you can control, you know, fake it until you make it.

It could happen because you are overwhelmed and this dark time is when your body claims for rest and sabotages you. This happens in most cases, and you need to reconsider the effort you put into every action you do. Taking a time to sleep is a good manner to balance it. You have my permission to incorporate it into your routine.

You and I don’t come so far to fall against this. We know our value and we’ll not tolerate a feeling of wanting to turn our world upside down.

You’re not who you seem

You can, or better, you must get a tattoo on your forehead with this sentence, it will completely change your vision of life.

One day you can feel like the most smelly shit in the world and another day you might well feel like the boss of the world. Is this going to change anything in you? I’m sorry for you to hear that this isn’t going to change anything. You will still be the same person.

Always keep in mind who you are and where you want to be, and don’t be afraid to find obstacles.

Do not be afraid to look for help

In the whole human story, not a single human being was born knowing it all, and you are not an exception (sorry for hurting your feelings).

There are things in life that one just can’t achieve by oneself and in those situations, you have to look for help, and don’t be afraid for doing it.

If you think about it, no one made it through life without help. Would Steve Jobs still be Steve Jobs without Apple? Kirk Hammet without Metallica? I don’t think so. And there are so many examples like this.

Know it’s temporary

Nothing in life lasts forever but a McDonald’s burger and Jordi Hurtado, the famous host of Saber y Ganar, a Spanish show. I’m sure you passed through so many things in life that were temporary; maybe lost friends from your childhood or an illness.

Image designed by Write the dust

All things come to an end eventually, so don’t trust in anything and continue with your life. To improve yourself is surely the best option that you can choose in this life. Focus on yourself and don’t care about anything more. We must follow this sentence: work from 9–5 in your job, and since 5 in your fortune.

Develop your skills

You can use platforms like Udemy or Khan Academy to do that. If you’re Spanish, there is a platform for you called Tutellus. Also, you can find any course just by searching for it on Google. All of these platforms have paid and free courses, so you have no excuses, and you can learn everything, from playing the guitar to hodl bitcoin in a wallet.

In the end, you’ll have yourself to face life, so you’d better improve that FUCKIN’ AWESOME MACHINE, buddy. Give it some fuel.

A ship is fine in port, but it was made to sail. Never should you forget about yourself, because your life depends on you. What you repeatedly do, is what you will become better at. You might have started your routine before finding your darkest hour, and there’s no reason to stop now.


The better option is to continue with your life without caring about the circumstances or the rest. Give some attention to Guns n’ Roses.

Wait for your darkest hour, it will find you, and that’s nothing bad. It is profitable to you because those moments you feel bad, are the moments when you can demonstrate to yourself that you are serious about pursuing and achieving your goals. That message will be received by your mind, and I swear to you that you want to give that message to it.

Your mind is sometimes your enemy, and it will choose to not struggle during this dark hour because in ancient times, the less a person moves, the better for the mind, so this person can accumulate fat in their body. You must face that feeling because YOU CAN and you are going to be THE BEST with dark or light hours. No matter the circumstances, you are you. Always.

Keep on doing your things and never forget about yourself. You might have to struggle and pass through difficult times, but you will thank me later.



Write the dust

Unlock your potential and find inspiration in every note. Personal development articles harmonized with transformative songs.