Bad deals and not-so-good deals

Are all the emotions your friends? Where is the violence?

Write the dust


Nothing good comes from violence (or so they say), but is it true? We will try to check it in this post.

Photo by stevepb on Pixabay

Not all violence is physical, nor is it the one that hurts the most. First of all, we have to make that difference:
- Physical violence
- Mental violence


Photo by Devoka on Pixabay

Physical violence is what damages the body of the victim, although it can also cause psychological damage as a cause of its side effects.
Unfortunately, this type of violence is very common today in couples.


Photo by ninocare on Pixabay

It is when one feels overwhelmed by what another / others do or say.
As a curious note that I do not know if it happens to all people but to me, things are learned better with a little violence, but not reaching bullying, just a little feeling of guilt.

Since the two types of violence are defined, my favorite song related to this topic is this:

American Head Charge is a band that, when I had the chance to listen to it, my head blew away. Because? Well, maybe it caused some violence in me, and we are all addicted to violence.
Why do we like scary movies? Because we love that feeling that someone is living a violent situation and it is not us.

We are made this way whether we like it or not. Are you going to tell me that you don’t enjoy a good scary video by DrossRotzank?
Listen well to the lyrics of that Tool song and then tell me.
Addiction is what we feel in these situations. But if we are the victim, then things go wrong.
One form and the most common of them is the dreaded bullying, which is mostly suffered by teenagers, who are harassed by their schoolmates, although there are also other types.

There may also be bullying at work from your colleagues and even at home from your parents. And it will leave marks that you will never (or hardly ever) be able to erase.
Are you going to tell me that you don’t enjoy a good scary video by DrossRotzank? Free ad. What you feel when you watch a Dross video is a mystery, the mystery that the video creates for you. And the violence at the end. Or have you not noticed that all his videos start with something very dark and at the end of the video you can see the entity? More violence for your brain.
Let’s look at the definition of the RAE for the term violence:

As we can see, violence is not only mistreatment. In the second definition, we see that it says Action and effect of violence or violence oneself, come on, what you feel when you watch a mystery video.
We now go to the debate that possibly has the most chicha. Is violence wrong or right?

One day when I was talking to someone, a question came up. Is hitting a dog wrong?

Photo by PicsbyFran on Pixabay

Look him in the eye: I once knew a dog who never paid attention to his owner, he destroyed the whole house, rather he was the owner of the person who had it. A demon. Maybe if he patted it on the snout he was going to straighten it out? We don’t know, because that person was totally against violence.
Also, as I said before, the violence gave me the courage to face what I was dealing with at the time.
You decide if it is bad or not



Write the dust

Unlock your potential and find inspiration in every note. Personal development articles harmonized with transformative songs.